Dentoalveolar Surgery refers to surgery of the teeth and surrounding bones due to abnormal bony or soft tissue, unerupted or diseased teeth and roots.

At Denticine we believe that where possible retention of teeth is better than extraction and will always look to see how teeth can be saved.

As with all of our procedures we focus on minimising surgery and expediting patient recovery and healing.

Some of the Dentoalveolar Surgery conditions we treat:

  • Frenectomy
  • Sinus Lift
  • Exposure of Unerupted teeth for Orthodontic Treatment
  • Remodeling the shape of the jaw
  • Apicectomy of tooth roots
  • Protection of involved nerves e.g. Inferior Dental Nerve

Our practice does have a special interest in management and treatment of the mouth for medically compromised patients which requires an overall detailed health assessment and surgery which enables the body to heal without complications.